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Friday, December 16, 2016

A Call to Action

Many of us are still reeling from Donald Trump's November win by use of the electoral vote, despite Hillary Clinton's winning the popular vote.

In a special issue of Ms. Magazine, the feminist publication issued a letter titled "This is a Call to Action". An excerpt from the letter was posted on the magazine's blog.

In the letter, Eleanor Smeal and Kathy Spillar point out the gender, age, race and class differences in casting votes: "The majority of women voted for Clinton, the majority of people under the age of 45, the majority of low-income workers and the overwhelming majority of African Americans (88 percent) and Latino/as. The gender gap was large - 12 points - with 54 percent of women voting for Hillary and 53 percent of men voting for Trump."

The letter goes on to state that the electoral college system "favors states not people" and "gives more weight per vote to citizens in small states than those in populous ones."

To read the letter/editorial in its entirety, click here.