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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Trump's Presidency Must Be Legitimized Before Gorsuch is Voted On

Neil Gorsuch: Love him or not, his nomination should not be voted on until Donald Trump's presidential legitimacy is established.

According to Robert Reich in a recent Newsweek posting ("Robert Reich: Gorsuch Must Wait Until Trump Is Legit"), "[T]he Senate intelligence committee and FBI must first conclude that Russian operatives were not responsible for Trump’s electoral victory, Trump must reveal his taxes and he must put his assets into a blind trust."

Reich points out that Mitch McConnell would not allow Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama's pick for the Supreme Court, to be voted on "on the ground that Obama’s term would end in 10 months. Here, we have a president whose term itself may not be legitimate."

The opinion piece, which first appeared on http://robertreich.org, brings up many valid points which need to be looked at closely.

Click here to read Robert Reich's article in its entirety.