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Sunday, April 22, 2018

NRA and its "Hysterical Teen"

The students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida have presented themselves as a strong, cohesive, intelligent force in confronting the National Rifle Association and other gun rights' activists in their fight to bring about intelligent gun control measures aimed at limiting death and destruction due to gun violence.

In today's Tampa Bay Times, columnist John Romano asks the question, "Okay, Now Who Sounds like a Hysterical Teen Talking About Guns?". (Hint: it isn't the aforementioned intelligent Stoneman Douglas students, who have shown amazing grace under pressure.)

Romano points out that Former NRA President Marion Hammer, who has watched over Florida legislators for decades, is upset to find more and more Florida legislators backing away from the NRA's stance that everyone should be allowed ready access to guns, "ominously suggest(ing) some may never again get an 'A' grade from the NRA."

While many may argue that the Second Amendment allows for gun ownership, it is not a blanket "everyone deserves one right now, right here," as Romano points out.

To read John Romano's editorial in its entirety, click here.