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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Insulin or Death

If one were to hear the words drugs and risky behavior, the first thought might be someone using/abusing street drugs or pain-killing opioids.

But an Op-Ed article and video in The New York Times states that many Type 1 diabetics are frequently having to resort to questionable measures in order to obtain their life-saving insulin.

Why would this be? The reason is simple, according to the article: "Patent laws and existing regulations allow the top three manufacturers to continuously increase prices without consequences."

So, while diabetes is considered "a perfectly manageable autoimmune disease" for which a nearly century-old drug is available, many diabetics are finding their insulin more and more difficult to afford.

To read the Op-Ed article and view the video in their entirety, go to https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/13/opinion/insulin-price-costs.html.