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Monday, April 27, 2015

Hufflington Post: Rick Scott, Tally Republicans Throwing Tantrum

A political fight over health care has been unfolding in Florida, unusual in that it pits Republican Governor Rick Scott against some members of his own party, according to The Huffington Post ("Rick Scott Snd Florida Republicans Are Throwing An Anti-Obamacare Tantrum"). It is also revealing, as it "lays bare the motives of the Affordable Care Act's most determined detractors," the article states.

While more than half of the states have expanded Medicaid, Florida has been one of the holdouts. Gov. Scott has changed position on the expansion, depending on the political climate of the moment, the Huffington article states.

To read the article in full, go to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/21/rick-scott-obamacare-lawsuit_n_7111218.html.

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