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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Trump as President Would Erase Civil Liberties, Voting, Reproductive Rights

Think a Donald Trump presidency would "Make America Great Again"? Think again.

Unless you happen to be a rich white Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) male, a Trump presidency would spell disaster, according to Colbert I. King's opinion piece in Friday's Washington Post.

In his column ("President Trump would reconstruct our racist past"), King warned, "The prospect of a Donald Trump White House presents African Americans with the most consequential presidential election since the 1876 race between Republican Rutherford B. Hayes and Democrat Samuel J. Tilden. That 19th-century contest ultimately derailed efforts to extend the full rights and privileges of citizenship to freed African Americans. Unless folks of color get off our duffs, history may well repeat itself."

King goes on to write that Trump "is, without question, an ignorant, undisciplined, ranting bully who exaggerates and lies without shame. He wears a tough-guy masculinity but is actually a coward who picks on women, demeans minorities and is thoroughly lacking in human decency." He reminds the reader that this is the make who likes "stop and frisk."

Since the death of Antonin Scalia, Republicans have vowed to block any Supreme Court nominee that President Barack Obama picks. However, Trump's wish list of possible replacements is far from favorable for minorities.

For anyone debating whether to vote in this upcoming election, ask yourself this: Are you willing to throw away any (or all) rights that African-Americans, women, the disabled, and any non-rich WASP men have obtained over the past 100 years? That means voting (for minorities and women), the right to own property or hold a job equal to what a white man is entitled to with the same education, the right to an education...the list goes on. Then read Colbert I. King's column, and plan to vote as if your life depends on it. Because it does.

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