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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Gov. Scott's Commission on Healthcare and Hospital Funding

Should Floridians be concerned over Gov. Rick Scott's Commission on Healthcare and Florida Funding? According to an editorial in the Ocala StarBanner, ("Editorial: Critical Condition"), there are plenty of reasons for Floridians to be concerned.

According to the editorial, Gov. Scott proposed the commission after "the Florida House of Representatives abruptly and unconstitutionally adjourned the 2015 legislative session." This adjournment came after representatives and state senators refused to resolve disputes over health care - especially Medicaid expansion.

Remember the idea of Medicaid expansion, part of President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act? This expansion would have given health insurance to approximately 800,000 Floridians.

To read the editorial in its entirety, go to http://www.ocala.com/article/20150521/OPINION01/150529964.

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