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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Rick Scott - Worst Governer?

Is Rick Scott Florida's worst governor? That is the question Carl Hiaasen asks in his Miami Herald column ("Carl Hiaasen: Gov. Scott picks the public's pockets).

While Florida has had many governors since 1845, some good, some great, and some flat-out lousy, Hiaasen writes that, "Scott is certainly a prime contender for worst ever, and each new screwing of Floridians pushes him closer to the title."

"During the last few months, taxpayers have been soaked for more than $1 million to settle lawsuits in which Scott and his dim-bulb Cabinet flagrantly violated Florida’s open-records and open-meetings laws," Hiaasen continues. "No other sitting governor has used tax money to end public-records cases that were caused by his own secretive misbehavior. Scott couldn’t care less."

Hiaasen contines his case for Scott as "worst Florida governor ever." To read his column in its entirety, go to http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/carl-hiaasen/article31132001.html#storylink=cpy.

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