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Monday, March 27, 2017

Trump's HUD Cuts Would Hurt Pinellas, Hillsborough Counties

For the past few decades, several programs implemented by the federal government, have helped to "improve (the) living conditions for the poor" while rebuilding America's cities. These programs have "made a real contribution" in the Tampa Bay area.

However, these programs are in jeopardy due to President Donald Trump's proposed budget cuts for 2018, according to an editorial in the Tampa Bay Times ("Editorial: Tampa Bay Would Lose in Trump's HUD Cuts"). The Department of Housing and Urban Development would lose roughly $6 billion (13 percent) under Trump's proposed budget cuts. Half of that amount would eliminate the Community Development Block Grant, while another $1 billion cuts would come from eliminating Choice Neighborhoods and the HOME Investment Partnership program. The money would be redirected for a military buildup and his Mexican border wall.

The Times argues that Trump "is wrong that these housing programs have not proven their worth," citing ways in which Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties, as well as the cities of St. Petersburg and Tampa, have improved the lives of the homeless and helping neighborhoods.

To read the editorial in its entirety, check out "Editorial: Tampa Bay Would Lose in Trump's HUD Cuts".

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