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Monday, April 27, 2015

Andy Marlette on FL's 'Gangsta' Governor

Do you have a less-than-favorable opinion of Florida's Governor Rick Scott? Then you might want to read an opinion piece by Andy Marlene, of the Pensacola News Journal ("Marlette: The Gov. has gone 'gangsta'"). In his column, he likens legislators, lobbyists "and a bald-headed governor" to money changers, livestock and Herod.

In his piece, Marlette mentions "the ever-insightful Tampa Bay Times columnist John Romano," quoting him on Gov. Scott's likening the Obama Administration to "The Sopranos."

To read Andy Marlette's column in its entirety - and I highly recommend it - go to http://www.pnj.com/story/opinion/2015/04/25/andy-marlette-column/26369661/.

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