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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Editorial: FL Legislature Morally, Fiscally Indefensible

The Florida Legislature is behaving "morally and fiscally indefensible" as it threatens Floridians' well-being, according to an editorial in The Gainesville Sun ("Editorial: Simply Indefensible").

More than 800,000 Floridians are uninsured because they can't afford insurance, while not qualifying for Medicaid. Florida and the federal government have a contract known as the Low Income Pool (LIP), as do other states. The LIP money helps "pay for hospital charity care when the poor go to an emergency room," the editorial states.

As part of the Affordable Care Act, LIP funds would disappear, to be replaced by Medicaid expansion money. The idea of behind this would allow the poor access to health care besides in an emergency room.

However, the Florida Legislature has consistently turned down federal Medicaid expansion money. (Florida Gov. Rick Scott has flip-flopped on the idea of Medicaid expansion; click here to read Huffington Post's view on this issue.)

To read The Gainesville Sun's editorial in its entirety, go to http://www.gainesville.com/article/20150428/OPINION01/150429712?tc=ar.

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