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Monday, October 3, 2016

Trump: 'Terroristic Man-Toddler'?

Apparently, it isn't only Washington Post columnists who have a deep dislike for Donald Trump ("Trump as President Would Erase Civil Liberties, Voting, Reproductive Rights", "Trump - 'Just Plain Crazy?', "Is There Something Wrong With Trump? Robert Kagan Says 'Yes'").

In his latest New York Times column, Charles M. Blow called Trump "a domestic terrorist; only his form of terror doesn’t boil down to blowing things up ("Donald Trump: Terroristic Man-Toddler")."

Blow goes on to write that "[Trump is] fickle and spoiled and rotten," a "toddler who knows nearly nothing, hurls insults, has simplistic solutions for complex problems and is quick to throw a tantrum. Also, in case you didn’t know it, this toddler is mean to girls and is a bit of a bigot." And then Blow really gets into it, writing his reasons for his dislike of Trump.

To read Charles M. Blow's Times column in its entirety, click here.

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